By Farooq A. Kperogi Many readers have asked for my opinion on the ongoing debate over the bill that seeks to outlaw gay marriage and c...
By Farooq A. Kperogi
Many readers have asked for my opinion on the
ongoing debate over the bill that seeks to outlaw gay marriage and criminalize
any form of homo-sociality (as same-gender social interaction is now
fashionably called in Western academic circles) in Nigeria. My view is that
both the unhealthy fixation on the issue by Western governments and the populist
grandstanding of the Nigerian Senate mask multiple layers of vexatious,
scorn-worthy hypocrisy.
The intrusiveness, arrogance, and
downright condescension of Western governments, particularly of the US
government, on the issue just make you want to scream. It is hypocritical for
Western governments to not realize that the Nigerian anti-gay bill is just as
discriminatory as their own anti-polygamy laws are.
In the West, polygamy, a common and culturally
accepted practice in over 70 percent of the world’s population, is
criminalized. In the United States and Canada, for instance, it’s a felony in
the class of murder, arson, etc. for which people are sent to prison for
several years.
You can marry and divorce 100 different people in
100 days and you’re perfectly within the bounds of the law. You can also live
with multiple sex partners and even have children with them and you’re fine so
long as you’re not officially married. But the moment you are discovered to be
married to just two wives (or husbands) for one day or for life, you’re toast.
How is that for justice and equality? People with this kind of unreasonably
discriminatory law want to preach to us about equality.
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President Goodluck Jonathan and Vice President Namadi Sambo dance like clowns while Nigeria burns |
The landmark ruling that institutionalized the
criminalization of polygamy in the United States is particularly noteworthy for
its racist condescension and invidious “othering.”
In turning down the appeal by a man named Reynolds
who wanted America to recognize polygamy as a legitimate conjugal union, the
U.S. Supreme Court in 1878 disparaged polygamy as “almost exclusively a feature
of the life of Asiatic and African people.” Notice the racist particularism of
the ruling. Since this ruling hasn’t been overturned, that’s still the official
position of the law: that polygamy is bad because it’s an African and Asian peculiarity.
Now, why do Western governments get thin-skinned
when Africans also say homosexuality is bad because it’s a Euro-American sexual
perversion? Both arguments are, of course, false. According to many accounts,
there are as many as 50,000 polygamists in the US, mostly from the Mormon
Church. That’s more than two percent of the U.S. population. There are
homosexuals in Africa, too.
The U.S. Supreme Court’s subsequent rulings on
polygamy uncannily resemble the phraseology that Nigerian critics of gay
marriage and homosexual lifestyle in general deploy. In one instance, for
example, the Supreme Court described polygamy as “a blot on our civilization.”
In another ruling, it disdained it as "a return to barbarism" and
likened it to human sacrifice. Yet another Supreme Court ruling dismissed it
as "contrary to the spirit of Christianity and of the civilization which
Christianity has produced in the Western World."
Of course, these are all lies. As Professor Jonathan
Turley of George Washington University observed in an October
4, 2004 article in USA Today,
“Contrary to the court's statements, the practice of polygamy is actually one
of the common threads between Christians, Jews and Muslims.”
So where am I going with this? A part of the world
that criminalizes an enduring cultural practice of 78 percent of the world’s
population has no moral right to insist that the rest of the world should not
criminalize gay marriage and in-your-face homo-sociality, which they
themselves, in fact, are only just now coming to terms with.
There is this insufferably haughty presumption that
whatever is good for Euro-America must be good for the rest of the world. When
Europeans thought homosexuality was a terrible sin, they criminalized it in
their societies and extended their laws to other parts of the world that they
colonized. Now they’ve had an “epiphany” about homosexuality and they want the
rest of the world to just immediately give up all that they believed in and
accept the newfangled idea about gay rights—or risk sanctions.
say homo-sexuality is the business of two consenting adults whose activities
don’t hurt anyone. Fair enough. But polygamy is also a consensual union between
adults. It also does no harm to anyone. In fact, it guarantees reproductive
Most importantly, the American government that is
making the forced feeding of homosexual orthodoxy on Nigeria a cardinal foreign
policy goal is at the same time encouraging our government to increase fuel
prices. We know that much from the lavish praise the US ambassador to Nigeria
recently showered on the Nigerian government over its plan to increase fuel
prices next year, an action that will certainly inflict death and misery to
millions of working- and middle-class Nigerians.
Given President Jonathan’s
proverbial cluelessness, I won’t be shocked if it comes to light that the whole
“subsidy removal” scam is carefully and stealthily dictated by Uncle Sam whose
approval Jonathan so desperately and pitifully seeks all the time. (Recall his
laughably juvenile gripe about how Nigerians dare criticize him when almighty
Obama patted him on the back for the good job he’s doing?).
Anyway, the same American government that pays
$20 billion a year in subsidies to its farmers
(a reason food is incredibly cheap here), that gives monthly allowances and
food stamps to its poor and unemployed, and that has all kinds of social safety
nets for its weak is encouraging another country to hike the consumer price of
its main economic product! I’m calling attention to this because the homosexual
hysteria in Nigeria is happening at the very same time that the National
Assembly is about lend its imprimatur to fuel price increases.
America’s—and Britain’s— unbearably arrogant
pronouncement on gay rights in Nigeria has created the basis for the National
Assembly to flex populist legislative muscles and to numb the Nigerian masses
to the real tragedy that awaits them next year when fuel prices will jump
higher than they have ever done in Nigeria’s 51-year history.
In almost every
Nigeria-centered discursive arena on the Internet, I’ve read people praising
the gallantry of the Senate and even suggesting that Senate President David
Mark deserves to be Nigeria’s next president for standing up to Western bullies.
The National Assembly has never been more popular. But the legislators are
going to ride on the crest of the wave of this popularity to strike Nigerians a
deadly blow.
The anti-gay bill is absolutely needless and the
National Assembly deserves no praise for it, although I understand why
Nigerians are united in their support for it. But the truth is that the
Nigerian socio-cultural soil is already infinitely infertile for the growth and
flowering of the kind of homosexuality that exists in the West. So we don’t
need a law to curb something that is not even remotely in danger of happening.
The laws we inherited from our British colonial invaders (who have now become
aggressive born-again gay rights protagonists) sufficiently criminalize
And most Nigerian languages don’t even have a word for
homosexuality because it had never been a part of our experiential and
conceptual repertoire.
For me, the whole debate is a conspiracy of the
hypocrisies of Western governments and our government. The real goal is to
increase fuel prices. Western governments’ provocation and the Senate’s
response are probably planned to keep the people distracted from the real issues.
I hope I am proved wrong.
Related Articles:
Confronting Misconceptions about Homosexuality in Northern Nigeria
Related Articles:
Confronting Misconceptions about Homosexuality in Northern Nigeria
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