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My Book Has Won an Award!

By Farooq A. Kperogi Twitter: @farooqkperogi I've just been informed that my book titled Nigeria's Digital Diaspora: Citizen Media, ...

By Farooq A. Kperogi

Twitter: @farooqkperogi

I've just been informed that my book titled Nigeria's Digital Diaspora: Citizen Media, Democracy and Participation, which was published by the University of Rochester Press last year, has been awarded the "2021 CHOICE Outstanding Academic Title Winner"!

I frankly wasn't expecting this because I didn't enter the book for any competition. This is a nice way to end the year. 

According to CHOICE, "Every year in the December issue, in print and online, Choice publishes a list of Outstanding Academic Titles that were reviewed during the previous calendar year. This prestigious list reflects the best in scholarly titles reviewed by Choice and brings with it the extraordinary recognition of the academic library community.

"The list is quite selective: it contains approximately ten percent of some 6,000 works reviewed in Choice each year. Choice editors base their selections on the reviewer's evaluation of the work, the editor's knowledge of the field, and the reviewer's record."


  1. Congratulations Prof. Have you ever thought of been the 2nd Nigerian to win Nobel Laureate? Then you are next in line for it.

    My little challenge is the distance and not having direct contact with you for close mentoring and ken sharing.

    You have inspired me a great deal. Cheers!

  2. Wallah, I always enjoy your write up.I read word by word and work everything out, actually you deserve everything good like this that comes your way. May the Almighty bless you more. Allah ya bamu danshin ku. Aameen.

  3. Masha Allah, Prof.You deserve no less given your Profiency in the Mass Media and Linguistics as well as forays into fields that are not your Majors like Sociology, History, Geography. I doff my hat for you because you are a stamp of excellence.

  4. Dr., where can I buy the book in Lagos?

  5. The book isn't sold in Nigeria, but you can buy it from Amazon: My name is Farooq Kperogi, not "Dr."


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